Keyboard shortcuts

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Keyboard shortcuts are combinations of simultaneous key presses that perform certain actions as an alternative to using the mouse. Keyboard shortcuts usually require a combination of modifier keys (command, option, control and shift) and other keys.


Mac OS X Shortcuts

Many of these shortcuts can be customized (eg the Exposé shortcuts), as explained in Customizing shortcuts below.

Symbols seen on Mac menus and non-US Apple keyboards, with their common names
Symbols seen on Mac menus and non-US Apple keyboards, with their common names

Shortcuts With Global Scope

command-option-esc force quit
command-option-eject sleep now
command-shift-Q log out
command-shift-option-Q log out without confirmation
command-control-eject restart
command-shift-eject sleep displays
command-option-control-eject shut down
command-tab cycle between open applications
command-` *after* having pressed command-tab, it will cycle between open applications in reverse
command-shift-tab cycle between open applications in reverse direction
command-` cycle between open windows in the selected application
command-shift-` cycle between open windows in the selected application in reverse direction
control-F4 cycle between open windows in all applications
control-shift-F4 cycle between open windows in all applications in reverse direction
F8 Spaces (Leopard only)
F9 Exposé for all windows (Panther and newer)
F10 Exposé for all windows in selected application
F11 Exposé to reveal desktop
F12 Dashboard (Tiger and newer)
control-# Jump to a space (10.5+)
control-arrow Cycle through spaces (10.5+)
control-F2 activate keyboard control of the menu bar
control-F3 activate keyboard control of the Dock
control-F8 activate keyboard control of the Menu Extras (right side of menu bar)
command-space activate Spotlight (Tiger) or switch between keyboard layouts (pre-Tiger systems)
command-option-control-, decrease the screen contrast
command-option-control-. increase the screen contrast
command-option-8 turn screen zooming on or off
command-option-= zoom in (if screen zooming is on)
command-option-- zoom out
command-option-control-8 invert the screen colors
command-delete send file to trash
command-space open a Spotlight search
command-option-space open a Spotlight search in a finder "Find" window
spacebar when dragging file onto folder it will spring open without the usual delay
shift-volume Change volume without sound effect
option-shift-volume Fine-grained volume control (10.5+ ?)
option-volume Sound Preference Pane
option-brightness Display Preference Pane
command-decrease-brightness Change display mode (only on revised fn keyboard layout on Alu. keyboards, newer MBP/MBs?)

Keyboard Navigation in Mac OS X Core Apps

Expose, Spotlight, Spaces
tab (Expose) cycle through Expose'd windows
tab (Spaces) cycle through Spaces
number (Spaces) focus specific space
c (Spaces) collect all windows in space 1
tab (Spotlight) select current search term (equivalent to cmd-a)
command-enter (Spotlight) show selected file in Finder
spacebar quicklook selected item
command-shift-g Go to.. dialog, with tab autocomplete and it works in open.., save.., and browse.. dialogs
command-option-i multi-item Inspector for all selected files
command-delete send to trash
command-option-delete empty trash
enter edit filename, escape cancels, enter accepts the changes
Finder - Column View
command-3 Switch to Column View
type anything Find As You Type within the focused pane (FAYT)
tab Focus contents of selected directory in a new pane
left go one pane back
Finder - List View
command 2 switch to list view
type anything Find As You Type (FAYT)
tab cycle through contents of folder, wrapping around
shift tab
command-up change working directory to parent
right open selected folder
left (on a file) jump to parent folder, if that folder is visible
left (on folder) close that folder, if open
option-right open all children of all selected folders
option-left close all selected folders and children

Column View Note:

  • A hollow arrow indicates that the pane with the selected folder is active.
  • A solid white arrow indicates that contents of the selected folder are active in the pane to the right .
  • The behavior of FAYT/Tab in Column View is functionally equivalent to tab-autocomplete on a standard *nix shell.

Taking Screenshots

The Taking Screenshots in Mac OS X article includes keyboard shortcuts related to taking screenshots.

Shortcuts Common to Most Applications

enter choose blue button in dialogue box (usually "enter" or "accept")
spacebar simulate a mouse click on focused object (i.e., the button or control that has a blue halo around it)
command-shift-? Search application help. As of 10.5, this also FAYT searches available menu items. It also activates the menu bar as keyboard navigable if the search string is empty.
command-d don't save
command-, preferences
command-? help
command-: spelling
command-; check spelling
command-A select all
command-C copy
command-shift-C show colors
command-F find
command-G find next
command-H hide
command-option-H hide others
command-M minimize
command-N new
command-O open
command-P print
command-Q quit
command-S save
command-T show fonts
command-V paste
command-W close
command-X cut
command-Z undo

Text Shortcuts

These shortcuts can be used within all text areas in Cocoa applications.

option-left arrow move left one word
option-right arrow move right one word
option-up arrow move up one paragraph
option-down arrow move down one paragraph
control-left arrow move to start of current line
command-left arrow
control-right arrow move to end of current line
command-right arrow
shift + any of the above extend selection by appropriate amount
click then drag select text
double-click then drag select text, wrapping to word ends
triple-click then drag select text, wrapping to paragraph ends
shift-select text with mouse add to selection (contiguous)
command-select text with mouse add to selection (non-contiguous)
option-drag select rectangular area (non-contiguous)
command-option-drag add rectangular area to selection
drag selection move text
option-drag selection copy text
control-A move to start of current paragraph
control-B move left one character
control-D forwards delete
control-E move to end of current paragraph
control-F move right one character
control-H delete
control-K delete remainder of current paragraph
control-N move down one line
control-O insert new line after cursor
control-P move up one line
control-T transpose (swap) two surrounding character
control-V move to end, then left one character
control-Y paste text previously deleted with control-K

System startup

Hold down these keys to cause a Mac to perform special actions at startup time.

C boot from CD or DVD
T start up in FireWire target mode (the Mac temporarily becomes a very expensive external FireWire drive)
X force boot into Mac OS X (older Macs that dual-boot into OS 9 and X)
shift boot into safe mode
mouse button eject CD before booting normally
command-S boot into single user mode; type exit when done
command-option-O-F boot into the Open Firmware prompt
command-option-P-R reset PRAM
command-option-V verbose boot; show the Unixy text goodness at boot time
option choose startup disk at boot time

Customizing shortcuts

Many system-wide shortcuts can be customized. This is described in detail in the Changing Keyboard Shortcuts article.

Shortcuts on laptops

On most Mac laptops, some of the function keys are used to control hardware features:

F1 decrease brightness
F2 increase brightness
F3 mute on G4s, decrease volume on G3s
F4 decrease volume on G4s, increase volume on G3s
F5 increase volume on G4s, numlock on G3s
F6 Num lock on G4s, mute on G3s
F7 Display mode (mirror or extend external display)
F8 disable backlit keyboards (Aluminum PowerBooks)
F9 decrease keyboard brightness for backlit keyboards
F10 increase keyboard brightness for backlit keyboards
F12 eject (some Macs, namely newer PowerBooks, place a dedicated eject key next to the F12 key)

Newer Mac laptops (MacBook Pros made after February 2008, MacBooks after November(?) 2007, MacBook Airs), and the Aluminum keyboard, have a different layout for fn keys. Some keys have been added, while the numlock key has been removed and the display mode key has been integrated into the brightness key (see combinations in parenthesis)

F1 decrease brightness (command+F1 changes display mode, option+F1 brings up display prefs)
F2 increase brightness (option+F2 brings up display prefs)
F3 exposé (F3 shows all windows, control+F3 shows app windows, option+F3 brings up exposé prefs, command+F3 shows desktop)
F4 dashboard (option+F4 brings up exposé prefs)
F5 decrease keyboard brightness for backlit keyboards (option+F5 brings up keyboard prefs)
F6 increase keyboard brightness for backlit keyboards (option+F6 brings up keyboard prefs)
F7 media navigation backwards (like hitting back on Apple Remote)
F8 media play/pause (like hitting play/pause on Apple Remote)
F9 media navigation forwards (like hitting next on Apple Remote)
F10 mute volume (option+F10 brings up sound prefs)
F11 decrease volume (option+shift+F11 for incremental decrease, option+F11 brings up sound prefs)
F12 increase volume (option+shift+F12 for incremental increase, option+F12 brings up sound prefs)

If you want to use these function keys for standard keyboard shortcuts, you must use the fn key, located in the lower-left corner of the keyboard. Any functions labeled on the keyboard with light-gray text are accessed using the fn key. So, for example, to shift between all open windows in all applications, you must press ctrl-fn-F4. This behaviour can be altered in the Keyboard tab of the Keyboard & Mouse preference pane.

Application specific shortcuts


command-option-backspace delete pictures from the library from within an album
command-1,2,3,4,5 rate picture


command-option-backspace delete songs from the library from within a playlist
command-B show browser
command-L highlight currently playing track
command-R reveal currently playing track in Finder

MS Office 2004

Word 2004

Insert Bullet
Clear Formatting Cntrl + Spacebar

Powerpoint 2004

page down while in normal view, cursor in the slide window (not notes or outline) next slide
F6/fn-F6 toggle between Slide, Outline, and notes windows
control-shift-S start slide show from first slide
control-shift-B start slide show from current slide

Powerpoint 2008

F6/fn-F6 toggle has a bug where it occasionally jumps to the first slide instead of toggling cursor.


Arrow Keys
Function Keys
Character Keys
Keyboard Symbols
Modifier Keys
Apple Shortcuts Document
Keyboard Shortcuts Quick Reference in the Apple Human Interface Guidelines
Core Mac OS X Keyboard Shortcuts Book
An exhaustive list of Finder shortcuts